Friday, March 4, 2011

What is the BYU honor code?

With so much media attention on BYU honor's code right now I thought I would write a post about it.  As a BYU alumni I am proud of my alma mater.  I am proud that there is an institution that is strong enough to stand up to the values they have set forth and not simply "look the other way" when that would be the easy thing to do.  It is interesting to note that with such a stringent code (no alcohol, attending church meetings, chaste and virtuous life, etc.) BYU is # 1 on U.S. News and World Report's "Most Popular Schools" list.  Which means that out of all the schools in the report BYU had the highest percentage of accepted students who actually enroll at that university.  That was ahead of Harvard and Yale.  WOW!  This tells me something.  It tells me that there are many people out there that are looking for something better than the world has to offer.  That the students who apply want to live the standards set forth and they want to be with other people who live the same way they do. 

With so many people out there asking "where is the Mormon's freedom of choice?"  and "why do Mormons have to live all these rules?" it's interesting to note that all those who go to BYU have signed up by their own free will to live the honor code.  In fact, that is what is drawing them to the school in many cases.  It's kind of refreshing...don't you think?

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