Saturday, June 21, 2008

No baby yet

Greg has been home a week and it's been great! I haven't had my baby yet but I suppose it will be sometime this week. Mostly a ton of braxton-hickes, nothing more. I'm not too anxious as I'm still pretty comfortable and Greg, Reagan, and I can spend a little time together before the baby comes and our lives are chaotic.


Jocee Bergeson said...

I was just wondering today if your baby had been born yet. Good to know. Let us know when he arrives!! :)

erin said...

i think he might be waiting for the in-laws to return! good for him! we were so excited to see you guys, thanks for stopping by. thursday we did not end up at the house until you were about ready to head to your appt., so elizabeth and reagan will have to play later! you guys are awesome though! we are excited for your little guy to arrive also. good luck and keep us posted.