Reagan has had a pretty easy transition into her big girl bed. The first night we had to lay down the rules (or Greg had to) and then she has been pretty much fine. We put a child door knob lock thing on the inside of her door so she can't get out of her room. She doesn't really try to though but it's just more for me so I can sleep at night and not have to worry about her wandering around the house. We got a little bed from IKEA that is really low to the ground but it is twin size, not a toddler bed. I have liked it so far. Now I just need to get geared up for potty training. I don't think I have the patience for it.
Also, Greg found out that he starts his new job on March 31st. He also found out that he is going to South Carolina for 6 weeks for training from May 5th to June 13th! We are happy that he gets to go before the new baby comes because that will be a lot easier on me. However, I'm a little worried that he might miss the birth of our child if this baby decides to come early. My actual due date is the 27th but the baby was measuring the 17th. So hopefully he'll come in between that time and not a few weeks early. That would be horrible!!! I'm trying to plan a few trips while he is gone so that I won't be home alone all that time.
I love IKEA. I am sad that we will be living 2 1/2 hours from the nearest IKEA. 6 weeks is a really long time, you're a trooper.
First...congrats on the "big girl" bed. Second...I really hope Greg doesn't miss the birth. That would really stink. As for 6's not really that bad. 6 weeks seems like a long time but it's not too bad. It is good to be busy and doing things. It makes the time go faster.
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