Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's a...

BOY! I knew it! I went in for my ultrasound today and we found out that the baby is healthy and it is a boy. I really have been calling the baby "him" for a while because I really felt like it was a boy. Mother's intuition I guess. We are excited, but have no names yet. We'll have to start thinking. They also said it was measuring at June 17 instead of June 27th. I hope they are right. You never want to be told you'll go early and then go late. I guess he could actually be born on his dad's birthday, June 13th. Wouldn't that be weird?


janaya said...

congratulations!! so fun.

erin said...

i think sharing a birthday would be great - then greg would always have a chance to celebrate with someone! congrats. there must be something about boys. i wonder if maleen will have a boy as well. again - congrats!!!

Maleen said...

Here's hoping. We could use some more masculinity in the house. Congrats Karen and Greg, that is great!

Jocee Bergeson said...

Yeah! You'll have to start buying lots of boy stuff, which will be fun! :)

The Bradley Family said...

Yeah!!! Congrats! Boys are so fun!

Mrs. Ordinary said...

Yahoo! They can be roommates :)

Eric said...

Congratulations! That is awesome news. Though they'll be about 9 months apart, Nathan and your son will sure have fun growing up.

Cormorant said...

Yay! Congratulations!

joshandemily said...

Congrats on a boy! I bet he will such a sweetheart just like you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the mother's intuition. I didn't have any of it myself. I was wrong on each of my kids. Boys are a lot of fun. They can be so sweet, but then turn around and be "all boy." You'll love it and Greg will have his "boy to do man-stuff" with. Congratulations again.