Halloween is the greatest holiday. I loved it as a kid and I love it as an adult. Now that Reagan can really get into trick or treating it is even more fun. Reagan was the most perfect child last night. I was so nervous she wouldn't want to wear her costume, but she kept it on the whole night...even the hood. We first went to our ward's trunk or treat and then to the neighborhood. We have so much candy...I'm not sure what to do with it all! I tried to teach Reagan about saying "trick or treat." She wouldn't do it. She would just reach out her hand and they would give her candy. Finally the last 2 houses she said it. It was so cute. She didn't have a nap yesterday and held up all night so well. No meltdowns or tantrums. She just liked to get the candy.
Who cares whether they "trick-or-treat" when they look that cute. I'm still trying to get Ivory to say thank you. She knows please because that is how she gets things, but after that, there is not as much motivation.
So cute. It was cold here so we only went about a block and a half. Ryley got enough candy though. We have since hid it from her. I put on your poll that I liked Reeces, but it didn't show up.
cute butterfly! i think i might like halloween more than most kids, it is so much fun. next year i will have to buy double the costumes to dress them up a few times!!! (i can never decide what i want to dress "them" up as). so, yes #2 is a surprise. they will be 16 1/2 months apart...scary. but others have done it! here's hoping!
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